Genee World ClassComm User Manual
Page 28

Auto Response Taken: If selected, this option automatically starts the recording of student
responses as each slide in a presentation is displayed. If this option is de-selected, the presenter has
to manually “play” each slide before student responses from the handset’s are accepted.
Game and Pace settings
Select Game: The presenter can include a game in the activity they are about to present by selecting
one from the drop down list. The student with the most correct answers and fastest responses will
win the game. The Games option is only available in Record Assessment Mode for Existing Class and
Ad Hoc Class Presentations. NOTE: ClassComm 5 introduces 2 new group based games – Hockey
and Cricket. These require a specific setup to play. See the Advanced functionality – Hockey and
Cricket games setup section towards the end of this guide for further details.
Handset standby time (Min.): The time selected here determines how long in minutes the handsets
will remain powered on without use before powering down to standby mode. If the handset does go
into standby mode during a presentation, it will retain its last setting when switched on again so that
the participant can continue to send responses in sync with the Presentation question.
Pace controller Options:
Countdown timer (sec.): This option allows the presenter to set the time in seconds that a slide will
be shown. For example, if the countdown timer option is selected and the time is set to 20 seconds,
each slide in the presentation will remain on display for 20 seconds before moving sequentially to
the next slide and so on.
Per question: This option can be used by the presenter when the activity to be presented has had
the RESPONSE TIME set during the mapping of the presentation. Without Response Times being
mapped into the presentation, this feature will not function.
Auto loop: Note: Available only for Review Slides Presentation Mode. Selecting this option will
repeat the presentation after the last slide has shown.
Show Answer: This functionality is used for displaying the answer. When this option is used in
combination with the Countdown timer, the time specified within the timer will determine both how
long the slide is displayed AND how long the answer will remain on view. For example, if the
presenter runs a presentation with the countdown timer set to 10 seconds, then the slide will
display for 10 seconds followed by the correct answer on screen for a further 10 seconds. Similarly,
with show answer selected in combination with the Per question option (in Pace Controller), the