Reference level adjustment, Tone level adjustment – GAI-Tronics 12580-001 Audio Distribution Module User Manual

Page 16

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Pub. 42004-600L2C

Model 12580-001 Amplifier Distribution/Monitor Module

Page: 16 of 17

f:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-600l2c.doc

Reference Level Adjustment

1. Set the dc voltmeter to the 20 V scale.

2. Connect the dc voltmeter between (J10 pin 2) ground and test point 2 (TP2-J10 pin 3).

3. Adjust the


Reference Level to one of the following set points:

Speaker Loop

Input Voltage

Reference Level


Tone Level


10 V

50 mV

200 mV or higher

25 V

350 mV

500 mV or higher

70.7 V

1.85 V factory setting

2.0 V or higher

100 V

2.35 V

2.5 V or higher

141 V

2.35 V

2.5 V or higher

Tone Level Adjustment

1. Set the dc voltmeter to the 20 V scale.

2. Connect the dc voltmeter between ground (J10 pin 2) and test point 1 (TP1-J10 pin 1).

3. While the Supervisory Tone is active (active approximately every 90 seconds), adjust



Level until the dc voltage exceeds the Reference Level by at least 150 mV dc (factory setting), or


fully clockwise.