FSR IT-R4S User Manual
Page 9

Help Request
The user can request a help menu if the user forgets the formats of the commands. The format of
the request is as follows:
The IT-R4S will respond with the following:
IT-R4S Help Menu
R # A
RELAY # = 1 2 3 4 A, or 1,2,3,4, 1-4
ACTION = [O]pen [C]lose [T]oggle [P]ulse
RS R1=O, R2=O, R3=O, R4=O, S2B=5
RB 2 X
X = Baud Rate = 1=2400 2=4800 3=9600 4=19200 5=38400 6=57600
Passing Serial Requests
Multiple IT family devices can be present on the same serial port. This type of setup is a
multi-drop configuration. The IT-R4S will be capable of passing strings down a drop through
the use of a drop preamble that determines the position on the drop of the device for which the
serial data is intended.
Passing serial requests down to a device will only work if FSR products that support passing
requests are between the RN8200, RN1000, WPCS or other control system and the last device on
the drop. Only the last device on the drop can be a non-multidrop FSR product or other
manufacturer’s product.
The message is made up of two parts, the drop preamble and the string data.
Drop Preamble
The drop preamble contains a skip indicator (‘\S’) for each device that will pass the string along.
The preamble will be enclosed in braces ({}). For example, if the user wished to send a string to
the third device on a drop, the preamble would be “{\S\S}”.
The first device would, upon detecting the preamble start, strip off the first \S and send the
preamble down as “{\S}”. The second device, detecting the preamble start would strip off the
other \S. It would also sense the close brace “}” and would be responsible for removing it from
the string. The second device would also be responsible for converting any ASCII-Hex
characters into pure hex, and for sending the complete message to the third device.
If the device on the drop has multiple serial ports, and the user wishes to send the
message out to a particular port on that drop, the user needs only to add the port number after the
‘\S’. If the user wants the serial command to go out the second device’s serial port 2 the
preamble would be {\S\S2}”Another test Message