FSR HuddleVU User Manual
Page 33
PWR <"ON"|"OFF">
Controls the state of the HV-CTL switched AC receptacles and AUX relay output
RLY <"ON"|"OFF">
Controls the state of the HV-CTL switched AC receptacles and AUX relay output
RSP <"Y"|"N">
Turns on or off a response from HV-CTL.
"Y"|"N" "Y" enables a response, "N" disables.
SBR <"S1"|"S2"> <"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"> | <"?">
Confi gure the serial bit rate of serial ports 1 or 2.
S1 = Serial Port 1, S2 = Serial Port 2.
1=2400, 2=4800, 3=9600, 4=19200, 5=38400, 6=57600, ? = inquiry.
Status request returns the currently connected input and monitor status:
Number Input (1-7) that is currently connected
ON|OFF Current monitor status
UNLOCK <"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7">|<"ALL">|<"?">
Unlock a specifi ed switch input.
1-7 = Switch input to be unlock.
"ALL" = Unlock all switch inputs
"?" = Request current unlock status
Version request returns the following:
Part# "HV-CTL"
Revision# XX.xx, XX=Major revision number, xx=Minor revision number
VRB <"Y"|"N">
Turns on or off verbose error message reporting.
"Y"|"N" "Y" turns verbose on, "N" turns verbose off.