FSR DV-HMSW-88 8x8 MATRIX User Manual
Page 14

5.5 Acknowledging Receipt of Commands
Each request sent to the Pathfinder Matrix will have by default two possible responses, an acknowledgement
of a correct request or an error response. The acknowledge response will be:
5.6 Error
It is perhaps inevitable that errors occur in the requests sent to the DV-HMSW-88 . If an invalid command or
text otherwise not representing a command is sent to the DV-HMSW-88 , the unit will respond with the message
“ERR: unknown command“.
A connect request with an incorrect output number, ie 9:
CON 01 1(2,3,9)
The error response would be:
ERR: unknown command
Note that in the protocol descriptions to follow, syntax that can be repeated multiple times is represented in the
notation X,,,,. This means entry of parameter X multiple times is entered as X, X, X, ie parameter X separated by “,”
character, as many times as necessary (up to the limit of the command).
Some commands allow configuration of multiple inputs or outputs without having to issue a separate command. The
‘;’ character is used to delineate each additional configuration, eg CON, EDID, RST, STAT commands.