Samsung – Exacq exacqVision IP Camera Quick Start Guide User Manual
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Samsung provides the Samsung IPInstaller Utility to find IP cameras. Run the utility to display the following window:
Samsung cameras on the network are listed. Click Search to update the list. To change the network settings for a camera,
highlight a camera and select Manual Set. This opens the following window:
Enter the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. HTTP Port is used to access the camera in a web browser (the
default is 80). VNP Port is used to control the video signal transfer (the default is 4520). Leave the Password box blank to
keep the default password. Click OK to apply the new settings.
NOTE: The factory default login for Samsung IP cameras is:
username: admin
password: 4321
You will need the username and password when you add this camera to your exacqVision system.