910ef owner’s manu – Diamondback Fitness 910Ef User Manual

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910Ef Owner’s Manu



Sound Se ngs “Sound Se ng” will post in the Lower Display. “Sound” will also post in the Matrix Display, followed by a

fl ashing “On” or “Off ” to indicate the current se ng. Scroll between the two se ngs via the UP and DOWN

arrow keys, pressing the ENTER key to confi rm the selec on and launch the Backlight Se ngs mode.


“Backlight Se ng” will post in the Lower Display. “Backlight” will scroll once in the Matrix display, followed

Se ngs

by a fl ashing “High” or “Low” to indicate the current se ng. Scroll between the two se ngs via the UP and

DOWN arrow keys. Confi rm the se ng by pressing the ENTER key. Demo Mode Se ngs will launch

Demo Mode

“Demo Mode se ngs” will post in the lower display. “Demo Mode” will also scroll once in the Matrix Display,

Se ngs

followed by a fl ashing “On” or “Off ” to indicate the current se ng.

Demo Mode On = console never powers off .

Demo Mode Off = console power off a er four (4) minutes of inac vity.

Scroll between the two se ngs via the UP and DOWN arrow keys, pressing the ENTER key to confi rm the

selec on and launch the Total Time and Total Distance viewing mode.

Total Time & “Total


me” will post in the Lower Display fi eld, followed by the value represen ng the length of me

Total Distance

the unit has been operated. “Total distance” will then post followed by the total cumula ve me value.


This value represents the amount of me the unit has been in one of the program Run modes. The

console will then return to the Idle screen.


This manual is related to the following products: