910ef owner’s manu – Diamondback Fitness 910Ef User Manual

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910Ef Owner’s Manu




Banner/Idle Mode The Banner Mode may also be described as the Idle Mode. Power is supplied to the console and all
segments and keypad LED lamps will light in sequence to indicate that the unit is ready for opera on. Programs and Se ng
modes may be launched from the Banner Mode. The Banner Mode will me out in four (4) minutes and enter Power Save Mode
if no input is received in the form of console key presses or pedal rota on.

Demo/Idle Mode The Demo Mode opera on is iden cal to the Banner Mode except the console will never power off and
does not enter the Power Save Mode. Primarily used for in-store displays, the console ships with the factory default of “Demo
Mode On”. The user may choose between the Demo Mode and the Banner Mode in Console Setup mode (see the sec on tled
Console Setup).

Power Save Mode The unit will be plugged in, but no power will be supplied to the console. Pressing any key on the console will
launch the Banner Mode. The unit will enter Power Save mode a er fi ve (5) minutes of inac vity.

LCD An acronym for liquid crystal display. The 910 display screen is an LCD with integrated backligh ng for excellent visibility.

Wa s A unit of measurement which correlates to the rate energy is generated.

Resistance Level Also called intensity level. The load applied to the workout by the unit. The higher the intensity level, the
higher the resistance. There are thirty-two (32) resistance levels.

Heart Rate Control Also called Interac ve or Heart Rate Control. To maintain a constant heart rate target, the computer console
will automa cally adjust the resistance or load up or down to increase and decrease the user’s heart rate.

Heart Rate Sensors Located on the fi xed handlebar, the user can monitor their heart rate during a workout by simply gripping
the touch heart rate sensors.

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