DH Satellite 1PC or 4PC 3m, 3.7m, & 3.8m 48 Polar/Fixed Mount User Manual
Page 15

Polar Tracking a DH Antenna
1. Point the Antenna system at your most direct southern satellite for your longitude.
2. Set the boom at your site’s latitude.
3. Ensure that the top cross bar of the mount is directly horizontal with the boom and that the boom is
pointed north to south.
4. Measure the off-set for your site latitude: (if the site is at 43 deg. Lat and 91 deg. Long): Set the boom
to 43 degrees and ensure the top bar is horizontal with the boom, measuring the rings position with a
digital inclinometer. This particular site would have a 6 degree off-set. This means the ring should be
around 49 degrees. (if you need to make adjustments to the offset, use the declination adjustment on
the left and right side of the ring near the top of the ring and the bar).
5. Aim the antenna at the most southern satellite and then peak the signal from this satellite with the
Applied Instruments Turbo S2 or your test instrument. Then you will need to move the base can on the
pole very slightly to the left or right to peak the signal even further.
6. Once you are satisfied with the location of the base can, mark the base can and base post to
reference your spot. This will also be your reference satellite that you will return to in the next steps.
7. Track to the next satellite using the drill to motor the antenna over east or west. Once a signal is
obtained on the Turbo S2 or other instrument, slightly move the antenna east or west with the drill.
Once this signal has peaked, choose another satellite that is 10 to 20 degrees further and motor over to
its position to see if a signal can be obtained(for the site referenced 43 deg. Lat and 91 w long, the most
southern satellite used was 91 deg, then the next satellite used to peak was 97 deg. Moving 10 or 20
degrees AMC11(131 deg.) was used.) Peak this satellite signal until you are happy with the signal.
8. Once you have peaked, make a slight turn on the turnbuckle, slightly moving the dish up and down.
Using your Turbo S2 or other testing device, note if these adjustments make the signal better or worse.
This will indicate if you are over or under the polar arc. Remember where the turnbuckle position
started as you will need to put it back to this position.
If you increased the signal strength lowering the dish, this indicates that you were shooting over the
arch. If you increased the signal by raising the dish, this indicates you were shooting under the arc. The
following will correct that.
Adjusting arc
1. First, adjust the turnbuckle back to where it was before you made the move either up or down. Drive
the dish back using a drill back to the most southern satellite that you started on and peak this signal
out. Note: you must be peaked on your most southern satellite signal.
Looking at the mark that was previously made on the can/pole, rotate the dish assembly and base can.
2. If the last satellite you attempted to peak the signal on had a better signal by turning the turnbuckle
and dish down, you will need to move the base can to the East about 1/8”. If the signal was stronger
when you raised the dish, you will need to move the base can to the West about 1/8”.
3.Tighten down a set screw and mark on the can and pole where you just moved it. Motor the dish
slightly east or west to repeak the southern most satellite you used as your reference satellite. Slightly
adjust the turnbuckle if needed to peak the signal even further.