Dataprobe 8PK-SCS User Manual
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Model 8PK-SCS
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The 8PK-SCS can be operated in four possible ways.
Menu Selection
By connecting to the Master Port, the user can switch to any of the eight ports (A-H) or
operate any of the eight relays. The menu system allows convenient naming of each
port and relay, as well as allowing setup of all 8PK-SCS parameters. A login
procedure protects the menu system.
Escape Code Sequences
(Page 6) The menu operation can be bypassed by transmitting escape codes to the
Master Port of the 8PK-SCS. These escape codes can be partially defined by the
user through the setup menus.
Lead Control
Page 7)
This option allows any of the eight ports to access the master port by raising
its Request To Send (RTS) or Data Terminal Ready (DTR) control lead. This
capability is in addition to the menu selection as described above.
Manual Control
(Page 7) A front panel push-button allows local control of port selection.
The 8PK-SCS is controlled principally through an ASCII terminal interface. By connecting to the modem
using a terminal or PC running terminal emulation software. The factory default parameters for
communication are:
9600 Bits per Second , 8 Data Bits , No Parity, 1Stop Bit (9600,8,n,1)
The 8PK-SCS incorporates automatic rate detection, allowing connection at 300-115.2K bps. Using the
default speed will allow the quickest access to the unit. To invoke the auto rate detector, send the Enter
key one or more times as necessary. When the rate is detected 8PK-SCS will respond the Security
Login Prompt:
Login >