Daktronics ST-2000 Tuff Sport & ColorSmart LED Scorer’s Table User Manual

Page 16

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Possible Cause

Solution/Items to Check

Move the console 20-30 feet from

the scoreboard and test again.

Verify that both the console and

scoreboard antennae are securely

tightened and in a vertical position.

Replace the radio receiver.

No signal to driver

Check that the scoreboard is

receiving 120 (or 230) VAC power.

Check that the red DS2 LED on the

driver lights up when sending

commands from the control console

(see Section


Swap the driver with one known to

work correctly and with the same

part number to verify the problem.

Replace if necessary (see Section

No power to driver

Check that the green DS1 LED on

the driver is always lit up when the

scoreboard is powered on

(see Section


Scoreboard digits light, but

not in the correct order

Incorrect sport code

Ensure the correct sport code is

being used for the scoreboard

model. Refer to the operation

manual for the console being used

(see Section


Incorrect driver address

Check that the scoreboard driver(s)

are set to the correct address(es)

(see Section


Scoreboard digits light,

console works, but no

display on scoreboard

No wired signal from console

(See solution on previous page)

No radio signal from console

(See solution on previous page)

Bad/damaged wiring

Check that the red DS2 LED on the

driver lights up when sending

commands from the control console

(see Section


Scoreboard works, but some

LEDs always stay on

Short in digit or indicator circuit

Swap the digit/indicator with one

known to work correctly to verify the

problem. Replace if necessary (see


3.3 - 3.4).

Scoreboard works, but some

LEDs do not light or they


Bad connection

Verify the power/signal connector on

the back of the digit circuit board is

secure (see Sections

3.3 - 3.4).

Bad digit or driver

Swap the digit/driver with one known

to work correctly to verify the

problem. Replace if necessary

(see Sections

3.3 - 3.4 for digits or


3.5 for drivers).