Setting intensities directly into cues, Track sheet support, Patch head filtering – ChamSys MagicQ Software Change Log User Manual
Page 56: Other changes, Magichd, 3 setting intensities directly into cues, 4 track sheet support, 5 patch head filtering, 6 other changes, 7 magichd

MagicQ Software Change Log
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Setting Intensities directly into Cues
MagicQ has for several years supported setting of intensities directly into the current Cue on a Playback by holding the S button
of the Playback whilst entering the intensity set command.
This has now been expanded to enable setting of intensities in all Cues in the Playback - this can be absolute - e.g. setting some
heads to 50% in all Cues - or relative, e.g. setting some heads +10% in all Cues where they are already used.
The syntax is to hold S and then type the intensity set command. For example, whilst holding S type
1 @ FULL Sets head 1 to FULL in current cue on Playback with S held 1 @ +10 Adjusts head 1 intensity +10% in current cue
on Playback with S held 1 @ FULL THRU Sets head 1 to FULL in all cues on Playback with S held 1 @ +10 THRU Adjusts
head 1 intensity +10% in all cues on Playback with S held 1 @ .. THRU Removes head 1 intensity in all cues on Playback with
S held
Note that in order to use THRU at the end of the syntax line to select all Cues in the Playback the Setup option, View Setup,
View Settings, Keypad, Auto Enter on Intensity Set, must be set to No.
Track Sheet Support
Track Sheet support has been added to the Timeline window. This enables the contents of each of the individual Cues in a Cue
Stack to be examined from within one window. Filtering exists to choose whether all heads in the Cues are shown or just selected
heads. It is also possible to view just Intensity, IPCB or all channels.
Theatre users can monitor the intensity of their lamps through the Cue Stack including all of the tracked values.
Patch Head Filtering
In Patch, Choose Head it is now possible to filter personalities by type, making it easier to find the personalities required. Filter
options include All, Patched, Live, Club, Film/TV and User.
Patched enables users to see which heads are patched in the current show and to re choose them easily.
Users can tag heads that they use frequently so that they appear in the User filter. This could be used for example to include all
heads in the stock of a rental company.
Heads can be tagged and untagged in both Choose Head, Simple View and Choose Head, Adv View. In Simple View you can tag
all heads from a particular manufacturer, or all modes of a specific head. In Adv View you can tag individual modes of a head.
In Adv View the Tag column shows a "U" for all heads tagged as user.
MagicQ stores a file of all tagged heads in the heads folder called userheads.csv. It is possible to create or edit this file with a text
editor/spreadsheet. The format is:
Other changes
The spreadsheet views in MagicQ (such as Cue Stack, Outputs, Prog, Patch, Cue) now support fixed columns so that when
scrolling to the right the first few column identifying the Cue number or Head Number stay fixed with only the other columns
MagicHD now supports playback of media with audio on all platforms.