Version, New functions, Intensity palettes – ChamSys MagicQ Software Change Log User Manual

Page 52: Multi element head selection, 21 version, 1 new functions, 1 intensity palettes, 2 multi element head selection, Chapter 21

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MagicQ Software Change Log

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Chapter 21



New Functions


Intensity Palettes

The Intensity window has been enhanced to have a View Palettes view similar to the Position, Colour and Beam windows.
Palettes can be recorded, moved, copied and removed and used within Cues just as with Position, Colour and Beam palettes.

By default only Intensity parameters are recorded into the Intensity Palettes regardless of whether other attributes are in the
programmer. A record mask (SHIFT + RECORD) can be used to override which attributes are recorded.

The only difference with Intensity Palettes compared to Position, Colour and Beam palettes is that by default the record type is
set to all heads that have intensity in the Programmer being recorded into the Palette not just the selected heads. This avoids the
need to always select heads (e.g. by selecting the All Dimmers group) before recording an Intensity Palette. The record type can
be changed by pressing SHIFT RECORD and selecting RECORD TYPE.


Multi element head selection

The "." operator is now universally used for selecting elements of multiple heads. The repeated element of a multiple head are
indexed .1 .2 .3 etc.. whilst the main part of a multi element head in indexed as .0. Note that if a multi element head does not
have a main part - i.e. it is just a repeated head then there is no .0 element. The operators +, -, and THRU (>) can be used to
select more than one element of a multi element head.

Examples of supported syntax are:


Select 3rd element of currently selected heads


Select 1st, 2nd and 3rd elements of currently selected heads


Select 1st and 4th elements of currently selected heads



// Set element 1 of heads 1 to 10 at FULL 1>10.1>


// Set elements 1,2,3 of heads 1 to 10 at 50%

Depending on the MagicQ setup options, it may be necessary to enter @@ at the end of the line to select heads or to press
ENTER at the end of the line to enter intensities.

MagicQ now supports the multiple elements of a multi element head all having the same head number. By default MagicQ
allocates each element of a multi element head ascending head numbers - this can be modified in Patch, View Heads by setting
the Head Number appended with /1 to indicate only 1 head number in use for that fixture.

Note that in previous versions the "." was used for selecting or setting intensity direct to a DMX channel rather than a head
number. This functionality is no longer supported.