Tap to time, Other changes, Magichd – ChamSys MagicQ Software Change Log User Manual
Page 34: Bug fixes, 2 bug fixes

MagicQ Software Change Log
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Tap to time
A Global Tap to Time option has been added that controls how the GO button in the Master Crossfade section operates - in Setup
Window, View Settings, Playback, set Crossfade button function to "Tap To Time Selected" or "Global Tap to Time". "Tap to
Time Selected" affects the absolute rate of the currently selected Playback. "Global Tap to Time" affects the absolute rate of all
active playbacks.
When set to "Default" the function of the GO button is determined by the Crossfade Master function option - for "Global Rate"
and "Club Master" the button is set to Global Tap, for "Rate" and "Busking Master" it is set to Tap to Time for the selected
playback, for all other options it is set to normal "Go/Back" function.
Cue Stacks can be set to use a divisor of the tapped time - in Cue Stack Options, Audio set The rate that the Rate Divisor - by
default it is set to "Normal" and takes the tapped time. Options include "Div by 2" to "Div by 8" and "Mult by 2". The divisor
affects setting of the rate by tap to time either as the selected playback, as part of global tap to time, or as part of audio BPM rate
Cue Stacks can also have the Rate Divisor can be set to "Inhibit" - in this case the rate of the Cue Stack is never affected by global
tap to time options. This allows Global Tap to Time to be used without affecting particular Cue Stacks.
Tap to time affects the absolute rate of the Cue Stack - if it is a Chase, then the Chase Speed, or if it is a Cue Stack Step with FX
then the FX rate - the programmed rate of the Cue Stack or Cue is changed. The programmed rate is then modified by the relative
speed controllers - it can be reduced by speed masters and fader controls FX speed options before being potentially increased or
decreased by the playback rate/global rate masters.
Other Changes
Added support for setting FINE PAN/TILT mode in Pos Window.
Holding the S of a Playback when changing page now does not release that playback.
Added support for ChamSys Remote Ethernet Protocol Messages without the ChamSys CREP header - this allows easier inte-
gration with external systems but reduces the amount of checking of messages performed.
It is now possible to insert Automs in the middle of the list rather than just at the end.
Added "Fader controls Absolute chans" option. This allows channels to be controlled on the fader in absolute mode - when
activated the channels go directly to 0% and then increase to the programmed value as the fader is raised to 100%.
Added physical effect DMX channels to the media layers in addition to the colour effect DMX channels - four of the previously
reserved channels in the MagicHD Layer personality are now allocated to Physical Effect and the parameters Phys FX 1, Phys
FX 2, Phys FX 3. Physical effects are used for shaking, scrolling etc. . . whilst colour effects remain on the Col effect channels.
A layer can have a colour effect and a physical effect running at the same time.
Added Scroll effect for scrolling a layer with wrap around. Set Physical Effect to Scroll and then set Horizontal speed on Phys
FX 1 and Vertical speed on Phys FX 2.
Window size dialogue now has a Live Changes option so you can position the window interactively.
Window size dialogue has number entry boxes for the top left window coordinates to allow more accurate positioning.
Removed 100x100 minimum window size restriction.
Bug Fixes
Fixed problem when mixing playbacks with normal HTP and playbacks with "All Chans Controlled LTP". when a normal HTP
playback became the latest touched then HTP mixing took place taking the highest value of any playback. This has been modified
so that if there are multiple playbacks with "All Chans Controlled LTP" then it only takes into account the last activated of these.