ChamSys MagicQ Software Change Log User Manual
Page 47

MagicQ Software Change Log
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Fixed problem with pixelmapping intensity on RGB heads - it was inverted. This caused problem when trying to pixelmap
intensity on a combination of CMY and RGB fixtures.
Fixed setting icons for palettes on the slave console in a multi console set up.
Fixed problem with Output Window, Grid View - if no grid size was defined the window would not clear properly.
Fixed problem when generating Intensity Masters from Groups with fixtures with VDIMs. If the fixtures that have VDIMs do
not have Red (Cyan) as the first channel in the personality then the intensity master would not contain the vdim for that head.
Fixed problem when copying groups with virtual dimmers to playbacks to make intensity faders. #0004919
Fixed pixelmapper colour blending mode for Add overflowing if the sum of the layers was over 100%. This is now "Increment
(remainder)", in addition to "Decrement (remainder)" which underflows. "Add" now limits to 100% and "Subtract" limits to 0%.
Fixed MagicHD layer intensity fader curve. This removes the "dark dip" seen as a layer fades up over another layer. #0008287
Fixed problem with using touch/stylus/pen touch on Windows systems (mostly Windows 8). Mouse clicks would work but
touches would not. #0006556