ChamSys MagicQ Software Change Log User Manual
Page 18

MagicQ Software Change Log
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Fixed support for selecting multiple heads when using test mode in Patch, View Heads #0009697
Fixed removing of channels from Cue Window which would cause the wrong channels to be removed. #0010413
Fixed Mac systems unable to prevent App Nap in recent betas #0010439
Fixed problem with FX set as stopped, starting on incorrect FX step #0010163
Fixed support of selection of intensity palettes from keypad. #0009880
Record Merging of the Individual Times would not work if the original Cue did not have Individual Times and the programmer
did have Individual Times. If the original Cue had even one Individual Time then it works ok. #0009655
Fixed problem with legends on Playbacks with Execute Grid 1 on Playbacks option set and choosing Grid other than 1 in Execute
Window. #009937
Fixed problem in the Execute Window, View Execute with rendering fader and encoder images when the boxes had greater height
than width.
Fixed problem with removing Cues and Cue Stacks that were used in the Execute Window. #0006016
Fixed problem in Execute Window with rate encoder goes from 0% to 25599% #0009311
Fixed Execute window on Playbacks Page 1, so that Executes are triggered on press instead of release of button #0010000
Fixed problem where MagicQ would reset when removing playbacks if the Setup Option, Delete Cues Stacks on remove Play-
backs was enabled #0009874
Fixed problem with Output window duplicating / losing beginning /end line when using View Int, Active filter #0010410
Fixed problem whereby changes to the Patch offsets/inverts/head names/head numbers / were not synced from master to slave -
if any of these were changed and then the slave promoted to master the changes to the patch would be lost. This could be avoided
by forcing a resync of the slave before taking control. Whenever possible it is still recommended to resync on the slave before
doing a TAKE CONTROL. #0008358
Fixed problem with chases that snap on MagicQ for Windows when using MagicQ Wings & Interfaces - if no channels were
changing regularly then some steps could get missed. #001048
Fixed problem where MagicQ could reset when loading a show if the Cue Window was open in the previous show.
Fixed problem with Net Wing mode whereby on a console if you re-entered Net Wing mode for a second time then the CTRL
button would stop the session, rather than CTRL + CLOSE.
Fixed problem with Net Wing mode whereby the Execute Window was always fixed to 10x10 - other sizes caused incorrect
response to the touch.
Fixed problem in Net Manager when setting Art Net out same uni or ACN out same uni - display was incorrect #0009313