Editing waveforms, Pixel mapper, Execute buttons – ChamSys MagicQ Software Change Log User Manual

Page 25: Execute windows, Other changes, Magichd, 10 magichd

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MagicQ Software Change Log

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Editing Waveforms

The Waveform FX Editor has been enhanced to support additional fade curves including damped and inverse damped. New
waveform FX "damp" and "invdamp" have been added.

User waveforms can now be edited in the Curve Editor.


Pixel Mapper

The inbuilt Pixel Mapper now supports output to any attribute, not just colour attributes. This enables Pixel Mapping on attributes
such as Iris, Zoom, Pan, Tilt and Focus bringing these attributes to life in 2D and 3D - particularly useful on modern fixtures
with fast response. MagicQ Pixel Mapper supports both 2D and 3D pixel mapping using images, movies, FX, text, live feeds and
more. Output can be selected as RGB, RGBA, RGBW, RGBAW, A, W or any attribute.

In the Media Window, select a Pixel Mapper Server and Layer and then under Media bank select the Apply Type.


Execute Buttons

A new feature has been added to enable 20 Execute buttons on the GO and Pause buttons for Playbacks 1 to 10. These can be
set to to use the Execute Grid 1 functions instead of the Cue Stack Go and Pause functions. When this function is in use then
Execute Grid should be set to size 10/2 giving a total of 20 items.

In Setup, View Settings, Playbacks if the option "Playback Go/Pause use Execute Grid 1" is set to "yes", then this makes all 20
Execute buttons follow the items in Execute Grid 1. Setting this option automatically sets Execute Grid 1 to 10/2 if it was not
previously used.

It is also possible to set individual items in Cue Stacks, Options, Buttons by setting the options Go uses Exec Grid 1 or Pause
uses Exec Grid 1.

Note that if a button is set to an Execute and there is no corresponding item in Exec Grid 1 then the button operates as the normal
Go/Pause for the Cue Stack.

When a button is set to Execute then the function of the button is shown in the display together with its activation state.

Exec Grid items can be set to Cue Stacks, Cues, Groups, Positions, Colours, Beams, Macros and other functions - all off these
functions are available through the 20 Execute buttons. By default items in the Execute Grid toggle on/off - the LED on the
Go/Pause button shows the state. Alternatively the Button function can be changed in the Exec Grid to be "Button Flash" or even
"Button Solo".


Execute Windows

Added support for 2nd and 3rd Execute Windows - press 2 and Exec or 3 and Exec to open these Windows. Each Execute
Window operates independently and can select different Execute Grid pages. Items can be copied between different Execute
Windows. Only the first Execute Window supports View Max.


Other Changes

Improved Simple Mode, Test Show to include a complete demo Cue Playback on PB10.

Improved manual crossfade - it now takes into account fade types.

Improved reporting of % complete of fade and wait times when using playbacks with rate set to other than 100%.



Added the ability to keep the MagicHD window on top of all other windows. This is selected from the window size dialogue
(menu, View→Window).

When unlocked by a MagicQ USB dongle, the window size dialogue includes the option of positioning the MagicHD the window
across multiple screens (i.e. the whole desktop). When not unlocked by a MagicQ USB dongle, the MagicHD output window
size and position are restricted to one screen.