Version, New functions, Multi windows client – ChamSys MagicQ Software Change Log User Manual

Page 33: Execute window, Chapter 9

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MagicQ Software Change Log

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Chapter 9



New Functions


Multi Windows Client

MagicQ now supports a MultiWindows Client to MagicQ on PC (Windows/Linux) and Mac similar to the original PC Multi
Window app that was obsoleted recently. This allows a PC or Mac to be used to display windows from a MagicQ console system
- thus expanding the number of monitors supported by the console. If the PC or Mac has a touch screen then it will work like a
touch screen for the MagicQ console system also.

Start MagicQ with the Multi Window short cut, or command line argument "multiwin" to force it into Multi Window Client
mode. In Multi Window Client Mode MagicQ does not output any network data except for trying to connect to a MagicQ system
to retrieve Multi Window information. MagicQ can also be set to start up in Multi Window Client mode by setting Setup, View
Settings, Windows, Start Mode = Multi Windows Client.

On the MagicQ console system enable monitor Net 1 in Setup, View System, View Monitors and press EXT to move a window
onto the external PC/Mac. The Multi Window Client searches for MagicQ systems on the network and then provides a select
box to choose the system to connect to.

The MultiWindows Client always acts like an external monitor to the MagicQ console system - the window layout uses the same
full, half, quarter size windowing as the console.

MultiWindow Client mode can also be entered whilst running MagicQ by using the short cut in the menu bar or from Setup,
View System, View Monitors - but note that this means that MagicQ is initially started normally and may affect other MagicQ
consoles on the network until the MultiWindow Client mode is entered.


Execute Window

Added Execute window, Preload function. This allows execute window items to be selected before the change is applied. Press
the PRELOAD soft button to start selecting/deselecting items. MagicQ will show the items selected/deselected but will not apply
them until the PRELOAD GO soft button is pressed. The Busking Rate Master can be used in conjunction with this feature to
allow all the items to fade at the same time.

Added support for setting the item type, item colour and item bitmap of multiple items at a time - use SHIFT or CTRL to cursor
select multiple items to set.

Improved graphics when using Appearance = Colours.

Added support to Execute Window Max View to allow PB1 to PB10 playback legends to be visible - use soft button C, Playbacks
= On. #0002500, #0004923, #0006075

Added Special Item to enable power off on PC/Macs. #0000825, #0002312

Added Special Item to allow Global Tap to Time button in the Execute Window. #0004502, #0004189

Added support for Attribute Encoders - press the ASSIGN SPECIAL soft button followed by Encoder and select Attribute. The
attribute encoder acts like the encoders in the Intensity, Position, Colour, Beam windows, affecting the currently selected heads.