Bolide Dvr Client User Manual

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DvrClient Software Operation Manual

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4.1 Starting and registering

4.1.1 Starting the DvrClient

After successful installation, system will generate a shortcut menu – DvrClient- on the PC

desk. Double click the Shortcut icon, or enter into [StartÆProgramÆVideo ClientÆDvrClient] to

run the program.

Please click the [DvrClient] icon on the desk to enter into the window shown as Picture 4-1.

When the program is activated firstly, please do register one administrator.

Picture 4-1

User name: supports up to 12 characters.

Password: supports up to 24 characters

Confirmed: should be equal to Password and all the password can’t enter special characters.

After customizing administrator and password, system will enter into below CMS main interface

shown as Picture 4-2.

Click [

] icon to display the software version information.

Picture 4-2

Picture 4-3

Click [

] icon to lock the interface, and click [

] to enter into the [user unlock]

dialog window. Enter password to unlock the interface shown as Picture 4-3.