BECKHOFF BK5200 User Manual
Page 19

Basic Principles
Error location
Error code
1 pulse
EEPROM checksum error
Inline code buffer overflow
Unknown data type
2 pulses
n (n > 0)
Programmed configuration
Incorrect table entry / Bus Coupler
Incorrect table comparison (terminal n)
3 pulses
Terminal bus command error
4 pulses
Terminal bus data error
Break behind terminal n (0: Coupler)
5 pulses
Terminal bus error in register communication
with terminal n
6 pulses
n (n > 0)
Special fieldbus error
The number of pulses in the first sequence indicates the error type, while
the second sequence indicates the position of the last Bus Terminal before
the fault. Passive Bus Terminals, such as a power feed terminal, are not
included in the count.
In the case of some errors, rectification does not cause the Bus Coupler to
leave the blink sequence. The Bus Coupler stays in the "Stop" state. The
Bus Coupler can only be re-started either by switching the power supply off
and on again, or by a scanner reset.
Insertion and removal of Bus Terminals is only permitted when switched
off. The electronics in the Bus Terminals and in the Bus Coupler are
protected to a large measure against damage, but incorrect function and
damage cannot be ruled out if they are plugged in under power.
The occurrence of a fault in the course of operation does not immediately
trigger the display of error codes by the LEDs. The Bus Coupler must be
requested to diagnose the Bus Terminals. The diagnostic request is
generated at power-up or through an access by the fieldbus to the Bus
Coupler. This means that if no data is being exchanged over DeviceNet
when a bus terminal is removed from the system, the Bus Coupler will not
necessarily report an error.