Table 5-11. relay trouble status format -17 – Basler Electric BE1-851E DNP3 Protocol User Manual
Page 37

Table 5-11. Relay Trouble Status Format
Bit Mask (hex)
Bit Mask (hex)
(spare) Reserved for RAM FAILURE
(spare) Reserved for PWR SUPPLY
(spare) Reserved for ROM FAILURE
(spare) Reserved for WATCHDOG
(spare) Reserved for uP FAILURE
9. Point represents assigned phase accumulated breaker pole duty as a centipercent of the
maximum duty (DMAX) the breaker contacts can withstand before they need service.
Breaker Accumulated Duty for Phase A, B, and C is calculated as ΣI or ΣI
. This is defined by
Breaker Contact Duty Operation Mode 0/1/2 entered via ASCII protocol command SB-DUTY.
DMAX is defined through the same SB-DUTY command.
Allowed value range for points 12 to 14 is from 0 to 20,000 where 20,000 represents 200% of
DMAX. Example: To change accumulated breaker duty for Phase B to 134% of DMAX, using
appropriate control function(s), set point 13 via object 41, Var1 or 2, to the value 13400.
To read the value of Breaker Accumulated Duty for Phase B, use Read point 13, Obj 40, Var1 or
2. The returned value of 13400 means 134% of DMAX.
10. Read value of this point (15) is a number of recorded breaker operations (0 - 99999). If the
operations counter exceeds 99,999, the counter will wrap back to zero. It acts as a counter, but is
implemented as an analog object so that the initial value can be set or current value changed to
any value from 0 to 99,999.
11. Peak Demand currents, points 16 to 20, can only be set to value 0 (Reset). Point read value
presents Peak Demand current in centiamps. For Example: 670 represents 6.7 A.
12. . Fault Number for Selected Fault Summary Report. This value range is from 1 to 255. The Fault
Summary Report for this selected fault number will be available as an Analog Input object from
point 52 to 71.
13. Time period, in milliseconds, when the relay (slave) sets “NEED TIME” bit in first octet of the
Application Response Header Internal Indication. When time is set by the Master via object 50
(write function), the relay resets this 0 bit. Relay sets this bit again, periodically, if the time period is
not zero. Default value on Cold and Warm Restarts is 0. This means that on Cold and Warm
Restarts, this bit will never be set. Allowed value is from 0 to 2
1 = 2,147,483,647 milliseconds.
14. Current dead band for analog events is configurable via this point. “Current Dead Band “point
value must be entered as a percentage of primary nominal current multiplied by 10. Allowed range
is from 10 to 100 which represents from 1 to 10% in steps of 0.1%. Default value is 25 (2.5% of
current primary nominal value).
Example: To configure current dead band to 4 % of primary nominal current, enter 40 for this point
value. The relay converts this value into a current value. For a 5 ampere relay, and phase CT ratio
=120 turns, dead band value in amperes for phase currents and Q current is 0.4 * 120 * 5 = 24
primary amps (2400 centiamps). Phase threshold = previous current value ±24 amperes. If the CT
ratio for neutral is 12, then the utilized dead band for neutral current is 0.04 * 12 * 5 = 2.4 primary
amperes (240 centiamps). Neutral threshold = previous neutral current value ±2.4 amps.
15. This point has a value 1 or 2 depending on Control Relay Output Blocks Table 5-2 or Table 5-3
selection. Default value of point 24 is 1 for Table 5-2 selection. When the user wants to apply
Control Relay Output Blocks Table 5-3, point 24 must be set to 2. Point 24 (as object 41) must be
set to 1 or 2 via function codes select/operate or only direct operate or direct operate, noack.
Value of this point is stored in non-volatile memory.
9289900792 Rev C
BE1-851E DNP Protocol