Baby Lock Momentum Quilting Frame (BLQM) Instruction and Reference Guide User Manual

Page 23

background image

Fig-S. 4-1

Bungee Clamp

Press to Unlock

Page. 22

Tools Required:

4- Bungee Clamp

Note: This assembly step is universal for

both Crib and King size frames.

Section 4-1: Depress the bungee stop that

is built into the Bungee Track System and

pass the end of the bungee cord through the

bungee stop hole. (Fig-S. 4-1)

Section 4-2: Clamp the Bungee to the edge

of the fabric. Depress the bungee stop while

pulling on the cord end for tension and re-

lease when taut to lock. (Fig-S. 4-1)

Section 4: Bungee Clamps

Getting Started

The Momentum Frame is a unique patented system that allows the user to quilt the same size patterns all

the way through the quilt unlike traditional quilting frames. As a quilt is rolled onto the Take Up Rail through

the quilting process, the Momentum Frame automatically moves the completed portion of the quilt that is

rolled onto the Take Up Rail forward and back to permit the user take advantage of the entire length of the

throat of the machine. For the first time ever, the maximum pattern size possible for the sewing machine

can be quilted from the beginning to end of a quilt without having to plan or compensate for the increasing

size of the fabric roll on the take up rail.

Upon completing the assembly of the frame, plug in the power supply from the Master Control Box and the

from the Right Frame End. The system is designed for use with 110-220 AVC power. Using a power strip or

surge protector will protect your system from power surges. The red LED light on the Master Control Board

and Right Frame Side indicates the system has power. The blue LED light indicates communication between

the circuit boards.

To use the system, set the control knob on the right side of the frame to Fast. Move the sewing machine for-

ward and back on the carriage five or six times to calibrate the system. The Take Up Rail Assembly will move

away from the needle as you move the machine back and away from the back of the throat of the machine

as you move the machine forward. During calibration the initial first few movements of each side of the

frame may not be immediately even until calibration is complete. The system will gradually calibrate with

each movement causing the two sides to increasingly move more and more evenly. Each time the frame is

powered on or the speed setting is changed, it will begin the calibration process. After the initial five or six

movements, the system will be calibrated and is ready for quilting.