Avery Dennison Monarch 939 Rewinder User Manual

Page 4

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U s i n g t h e R e w i n d e r

The rewinder can be set for inside (labels wound in) or
outside (labels wound out) winding.
If the full roll of supply was wound face out, it should be
rewound face out; if the full roll of supply was wound face in,
it should be rewound face in.
The winding direction switch is located directly above the
power inlet.

For outside winding:

1. Slide the direction switch to the lower position.

2. Position and align the rewinder with the printer.

3. Thread the supply as shown.

Note: Feed



under the pick-up arm.

4. Tape the supply to the empty core.

5. Turn on the rewinder.

For inside winding:

1. Slide the direction switch to the upper position.

2. Position and align the rewinder with the printer.

3. Thread the supply as shown.

Note: Feed



under the pick-up arm.

4. Tape the supply to the empty core.

5. Turn on the rewinder.

P ri n t er

R ew in d er

P ri n t er

R ew in d er

D i re c ti o n
Sw it c h

P ow er
I n l e t