Avery Dennison 9850 Addendum Version 3.5 User Manual
Avery Dennison Equipment

TC9850AD3 Rev. AA 9/02
2002 Paxar Corporation. All rights reserved.
O P E R A T O R ' S A D D E N D U M
This addendum describes the software changes available in release 3.5 of the
printer. This addendum contains information about the
revised and new menu selections, updated programming information, and updated
error messages.
S e t t i n g t h e D i s p e n s e P o s i t i o n
1. From the Main menu, select Setup, then Supply. Press l or r until you see
l Positioning r
2. Press Enter/Pause. Press l or r until you see
l Dispense Pos r
3. Press Enter/Pause.
Dispense Pos
[50/200]: +65
4. Press l or r to change the dispense position. The dispense position adjusts
the stopping point of the label. Pressing l decreases the value; r increases
Feed/Cut acts as a toggle switch to change the value by 10 or 1. For example,
to make the dispense position 90 (from the default 65), press Feed/Cut, then
press r twice (85), press Feed/Cut again and press r five times (90). Press
Enter/Pause to select the displayed value.
5. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
S e t t i n g t h e B a c k f e e d D i s t a n c e
1. From the Main menu, select Setup, then Supply. Press l or r until you see
l Positioning r