ARRIS Timbuktu for Macintosh v8.8.3- Getting Started Guide User Manual

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Getting Started with Timbuktu Pro for Macintosh

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Timbuktu Pro performance may be improved when data is passed through
SSH compression.

Reverse (host to guest) connections are now supported, allowing you to use
the Control-session drag-and-drop feature and the Invite service, even when
the guest computer is behind a NAT router.

Push Installation

You may now “push” install Timbuktu Pro on the remote computers on your net-
work which have enabled Remote Login. This process will also upgrade Timbuktu
Pro on computers that are running a Timbuktu Pro version older than the version
on your computer.

You may also use the push-install feature to distribute Zones files, Timbuktu Pro
preferences, site keys, and activation keys.

Bonjour Integration

Timbuktu Pro version 8 supports Apple’s Bonjour technology (formerly known as
Rendezvous). When you start Timbuktu Pro, it automatically registers the host
service with Bonjour. This allows the remote users on your network to find your
computer for Timbuktu Pro connections.

On your computer, the Bonjour tab will appear in the New Connection window.
Use the Bonjour tab to search for active Timbuktu Pro computers and connect
without needing to enter the IP address.

Plus, Bonjour can assist you with finding computers for push installation. The
Bonjour tab displays both Timbuktu Pro computers and Mac OS X computers with
Remote Login active. Select one or more computers to install Timbuktu Pro, then
open the Service menu and choose Install Timbuktu.

Finally, Timbuktu Pro’s Bonjour feature will take advantage of Bonjour enhance-
ments in future versions of Mac OS X.

Ask for Permission Enhancements

You may now require Registered Users to ask for permission before each connec-
tion. You will be able to allow or deny the incoming connection before it occurs.