Index – ARRIS Timbuktu for Macintosh v8.8.3- Getting Started Guide User Manual
Page 109

| 109
accepting incoming calls 46
Activate Modem button 54
activation key 22
activity log 19
Add Files or Folder dialog box 72
adding files to a FlashNote 72
address books 19, 52, 63, 64
changing saved address properties 66
creating new 67
opening 66
saving addresses to 66
using 64
Address Books tab (New Connection window) 19,
Apple System Profiler, running remotely 86
AppleScript and Timbuktu Pro 20
application icon 17
moving 29
opening Timbuktu Pro 29
asking for permission 58
granting access 92
Log In dialog box 56
requesting access 58
specifying privileges 89, 92
disabling registration 45
registering your computer 46
Bonjour tab (New Connection window) 12, 52,
call waiting, disabling 50
choosing options 104
refusing requests 105
requiring 105
selecting options 68
setting calling locations 49
calling locations
Calling Locations dialog box 49
Chat service 15, 82, 82–83
defined 6
saving transcripts 83
Chat window 83
chatting with a remote user 82