For harmonics – AMETEK MXCTSH Administrator Manual User Manual
Page 14

MX Compliance Test System
System Administrator Manual
3.1.1 For
Start Phase
Sets the phase angle for the start of each data window processed. The default
start phase angle is 0 degrees. This ensures synchronization to the EUT
voltage and current data.
Fail window code
Data is acquired in windows of 10, 12 or 16 signal periods. If the data for a
given window exceeds the test limits, the data for this window can be stored in
its entirety (value set to 0) or only a fraction of the window can be saved.
(value set > 0).
Normally, this field should be set to 0.
Data Storage
Number of saves, first
This number represents the number of acquisition window (buffers) to save for
this first portion of the test. If the test time is set to a lower value than this, all
buffers are saved for the entire test. If the total test time exceeds this value
times the buffer duration - 16, 12 or 10 cycles at the specified frequency - the
remainder of the test (last section), data will be saved at a lower rate
determined by the number in the next field.
An acquisition window is either 16, 12 or 10 periods long. The period is
determined by the selected frequency (50, 60 or 400 Hz).
For example, if this value is set to 2000 at 16 cycles of 50 Hz, this corresponds
to 2000 * 16 * 20 msec = 640 secs.= 10 min 40 sec. If the test time is less
than this, all buffers are saved. If the test time is 12 minutes, the last 20
seconds are considered the last section of the test. Not all buffers may be
saved during this last section.
Number of saves, last
Once every acquisition buffer during the first section has been saved, as
specified by the previous field, data recording continues at a reduced rate. The
CTSMX software will determine the remaining test time, divide it by the value
specified in this field and round the result down to the nearest integer (n).
From this moment forward, every nth buffer will be saved only, unless a failure
occurs. See next field for failure mode save.
For example, if this value is set to 1000 and the remaining test time after the
first section is 30 minutes or 1800 secs, of the 5625 buffers of 320 msec in this
30 minute period, every Round(5625/1000) = 5
buffer would be saved for a
total of 1000 + buffers.
Total number of saves
If a failure occurs during the second phase of the test - determined by the
previous settings - this number of buffers will be saved around the failure
buffer. This value always includes two buffers before the buffer with a failure,
the failure buffer itself, and the remaining number of buffers after the failure.
Thus, if this field is set to 8, 2 pre failure, 1 failure and 5 post failure buffers are
saved. If additional failure buffers are found during this interval, saving
continues until 5 failure free buffers are encountered or the test reaches the
end time.