Adobe Dreamweaver API Reference CS5 User Manual

Page 43

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Fireworks integration

Last updated 8/27/2013

function checkOneMoreTime() {

// Call checkJsResponse() every 1/2 second to see if Fireworks
// is done yet
window.setTimeout("checkJsResponse();", 500);


function checkJsResponse() {

var response = null;

// The user clicked the cancel button, close the window
if (gCancelClicked) {

alert("cancel clicked");

} else {

// We're still going, ask Fireworks how it's doing
if (gProgressTrackerCookie != null)

response = FWLaunch.getJsResponse(gProgressTrackerCookie);

if (response == null) {

// still waiting for a response, call us again in 1/2 a
// second

} else if (typeof(response) == "number") {

// if the response was a number, it means an error occurred
// the user cancelled in Fireworks
alert("an error occurred.");

} else {

// got a valid response!This return value might not
// always be a useful one, since not all functions in
// Fireworks return a string, but we know this one does,
// so we can show the user what we got.
FWLaunch.bringDWToFront();// bring Dreamweaver to the front
alert("Nice to meet you, " + response + "!");




This command asks Fireworks to execute the prompt() ¬
function. When you click Prompt, Fireworks comes forward and ¬
asks you to enter a value into a dialog box. That value is then ¬
returned to Dreamweaver and displayed in an alert.