Filehandle opennotesfile(), Filehandle opennotesfilewithopenflags(), Bool removenote() – Adobe Dreamweaver API Reference CS5 User Manual
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The Design Notes API
Last updated 8/27/2013
A Boolean value:
indicates the operation is successful;
otherwise. The drivePathBuf argument receives the
local drive path.
FileHandle OpenNotesFile()
This function opens the Design Notes file that is associated with the specified file or creates one if none exists.
const char* localFileURL, {BOOL bForceCreate}
The localFileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is a string that contains the path to the main file
with which the Design Notes file is associated.
The bForceCreate argument is a Boolean value that indicates whether to create the Design Notes file even if Design
Notes is turned off for the site or if the path specified by the localFileURL argument is not associated with any site.
FileHandle OpenNotesFilewithOpenFlags()
This function opens the Design Notes file that is associated with the specified file or creates one if none exists. You can
open the file in read-only mode.
const char* localFileURL, {BOOL bForceCreate}, {BOOL bReadOnly}
The localFileURL argument, which is expressed as a file:// URL, is a string that contains the path to the main file
with which the Design Notes file is associated.
The bForceCreate argument is a Boolean value that indicates whether to create the Design Notes file even if Design
Notes are turned off for the site or the path is not associated with any site. The default value is
. This argument
is optional, but you need to specify it if you specify the third argument.
The bReadOnly argument, which is optional, is a Boolean value that indicates whether to open the file in read-only
mode. The default value is
. You can specify the bReadOnly argument starting in version 2 of the
MMNotes.dll file.
BOOL RemoveNote()
This function removes the specified key (and its value) from the specified Design Notes file.
noteHandle, const char keyName[64]
The noteHandle argument is the file handle that the
function returns.
The keyName[64] argument is a string that contains the name of the key to remove.