Specify the encoding format (ASCII, ANSI, UNICODE, SJIS, CGB18030, BIG5, or KSC5601) followed by the platform (MAC or WIN).
Color table
Swatch name 1:Swatch Type (COLOR, TINT, GRAD, or MIXED):Color Type (CMYK, RGB, LAB, or MIXED):Color Mode (Process, Spot, or Mixed):Values of color, tint, or gradient> <Swatch name 2>...>
A COLOR swatch requires 4 values for CMYK and 3 values for RGB and LAB.
The color table is a list of all colors, tints, and gradients defined in the Swatches panel and used in the text.
You can use the abbreviation
Paragraph style definition
Style group name::Paragraph style name= <attr1><attr2>...>
A paragraph style definition includes the character- and paragraph-level attributes listed later in this document, as well as style name> and style name>
1= >
The paragraph style definition includes a list of all styles defined in the Paragraph Styles panel and used in the text. See “
A table style definition includes the table attributes listed later in this document followed by the cell styles used in the table style. The style name> attributes can also be included.