Figure 31. demo program menu in hyperterminal – Zilog Z51F3221 User Manual
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HyperTerminal Configuration
Z51F3221 Development Kit
User Manual
This COM port can be determined from the Device Manager, as described in the the
USB-to-UART Driver Installation
2. Configure this port to reflect the following settings:
9600 bps
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
No flow control
3. Click the
button to connect to the Z51F3221 Board. Upon connection, you should
be able to see the Demo program menu shown in Figure 31.
At this point, you have successfully run the Z51F3221 demo project, but you are welcome
to continue evaluating the demo in HyperTerminal. For additional information about how
Figure 31. Demo Program Menu in HyperTerminal