Vectronics VEC-1012K User Manual
Page 14

VEC-1012K Owner’s Manual
The last three coils in your radio are hand-wound from the #24 wire supplied. In
addition to the #24 wire, you'll also need a 6-32 screw at least 1/2" long to use as
a winding form. Before starting, carefully straighten the coil wire by drawing it
over a plastic rounded surface such as a screwdriver handle. Remove any bends
or kinks. Cut two (2) lengths about 6" long each.
! ! Take one length of wire and, while grasping both ends firmly, carefully
wind four (4) full turns over the winding form--as shown below. The wire
should conform into the thread grooves.
6-32 screw thread
4-turns #24 enameled wire
1/2" leads stripped
and tinned with solder
! ! Remove the coil by unscrewing it from the 6-32 threads. Shape the coil as
shown above, with about 1 wire-width spacing between each turn.
Each coil lead must be tinned prior to installation so solder will stick to it. The
wire provided with your kit is coated with enamel insulation formulated to melt
at high temperatures. This quality should allow you to strip, clean, and "tin"
each coil lead in a single operation. To prepare each lead, hold a hot soldering
iron tip against it for several seconds while applying a small amount of solder.
Eventually, the enamel insulation should begin breaking down, allowing solder
to coat and adhere to the wire (it may be easier to perform this operation with the
coil threaded onto the screw). If your soldering iron doesn't generate enough
heat to start the enamel stripping process, scrape the enamel away with an
knife before tinning. Make sure both leads are clean and brightly
tinned all the way around before attempting to install.
! ! When the first 4-turn coil is prepared as shown, install at L1 and solder.
Check coil shape and spacing before moving on.
! ! Repeat this operation--winding, prepping, installing, and soldering a
second 4-turn coil at L2.
Using the remaining wire, wind a 10-turn coil. Unlike L1 and L2, the turns of
L3 should be compressed together after winding so the overall coil is about .3"
in length--about the distance between its mounting holes.
! ! Wind, prep, and install a 10-turn coil at L3. Solder in place.