Vectronics VEC-821K User Manual
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VEC-821 K Instruction Manual
Super CW Filter Kit
Thank you for purchasing the VEC-821K CW Filter kit. The VEC-821K consists
of a four stage, switch selectable band pass CW filter, using selected
components that will make "cleaning up" CW signals effortless and easy.
Featuring razor sharp selectivity and extremely steep sided skirts, even the
weakest signal stands out. Also, the VEC-821K has a 1 watt audio amplifier built
in that will easily drive headphones or an external speaker. With the VEC-
821K you bring up any hard to hear signal out of a "band pile up" for easy
or get rid of unwanted, annoying signals. The VEC-821K also features
a headphone output that will allow the use of standard monoral headphones.
Although physically small in size, the VEC-821K is high on performance and
reliability. The VEC-821K is powered from a 9 -v o l t transistor radio battery, or
any 9-18 volt DC power supply.
Construction Area: Kit construction requires a clean, smooth, and welllighted
area where you can easily organize a nd handle small parts without losing
them. An inexpensive sheet of white poster board makes an excellent
construction surface, while providing protection for the underlying table or desk.
Well-diffused overhead lighting is a plus, and a supplemental highintensity
desk lamp will prove especially helpful for close-up work. Safety is an important
consideration. Be sure to use a suitable high-temperature stand for
your soldering iron, and keep the work area free of combustible clutter. Universal
Kit-building Tools: Although your particular kit may require additional items to
complete, virtually all construction projects require a work area outfitted with the
following tools and supplies:
30-60 watt Soldering Iron
High-temperature Iron Holder with a Moist Cleaning Sponge
Rosin-core Solder (thin wire-size preferred)
Needle Nose Pliers or Surgical Hemostats
Diagonal Cutters or "Nippy Cutters"
Wire Strippers
Solder Sucker, Vacuum Pump, or Desoldering Braid
Bright Desk Lamp
Magnifying Glass