Digit plan – D-Link DVG-2101S User Manual
Page 26

DVG-2101S User Manual
Check the checkbox to enable P_Assert to hide the client name
when sending messages to the SIP proxy server.
E.164 ENUM
Check the checkbox to enable E.164 ENUM (Number Mapping)
feature. E.164 is a mechanism to transform an E.164 number
into a list of URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) so that the IP
users and available services can be identified by a public
telephone number.
Check the checkbox to enable this function. If there is no
response, the connecting call will be closed automatically after
the time limit that you set in this field.
Call Rejection
Check the checkbox to reject all anonymous calls.
Check this checkbox to use DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency)
to send out the Caller ID.
Digit Plan
This page enables you to set up rules for the digit waiting time and the digit
plan. A digit plan is also known as a dial plan. A digit plan is a string of
characters that governs the way the VoIP Adapter processes inputs received
from the telephone keypad. This includes country codes, access codes, area
codes, and all combinations of digits dialed. Digit plans must comply with the
telephone networks to which they connect.
First Digit Waiting
Enter the first digit waiting time before the connection is
canceled by the VoIP Adapter.
Interval Digit
Waiting Time
Enter the interval waiting time between two digits before
the connection is canceled by the VoIP Adapter.
Digit Plan
Enter the strings for the digit plan.