Paxton Superchargers Dodge V-10 Truck User Manual
Page 24

P/N: 4800019
©2003 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
25SEP03 v2.0 Dodge V-10(4800019v2.0)
Fig. 3-jj
Using the AICU relay as a template,
drill a .138 diameter hole in the firewall
(Fig 3-kk. shows the approximate loca-
tion). Mount the supplied relay using the
self-tapping screw provided.
Fig 3-kk
Fig 3-ii
M. There are two sets of wires leading from
the relay. Take the longer set of two
wires and route them down and along
the bottom frame rail and to the auxil-
iary fuel system. Attach them to the fuel
pump, red to positive and black to nega-
tive. (See Fig 3-ll.)
Locate a suitable location in the passen-
ger compartment on the driver’s side of
the vehicle. Under the dash, attach the
AICU and the RPM signal box using
nylon wire ties.
Attach both of the red power wires from
the AICU and the RPM signal box to
terminal #87 on the supplied relay using
the connectors provided.
Attach both the black ground wires of
the AICU and the RPM signal box to the
fuse box ground using the ring terminals
Using the provided butt connectors, con-
nect the yellow/black wires of the RPM
signal box to the yellow/black wire on
the AICU controller.
Locate the black ECU plug on the facto-
ry ECU. Attach the gralyblack wire from
the RPM signal box to pin #8 on the
factory ECU. (Refer to Appendix Q.)
(See Fig. 3-ii.)
Route the RPM signal wire across the
firewall and into the driver’s compart-
ment and connect it to the grey/black on
the RPM signal box using the connec-
tors provided.
Run the AICU injector plugs through the
grommet that would normally be used
for the clutch cable. Route the injector
plugs to the supplemental injectors
located in the discharge tube. Route the
wires away from hot or sharp objects
and secure with nylon wire ties.
*** NOTE ***
The wires and injectors are connected in no particu-
lar order
Using the vacuum hose and TEE’s pro-
vided, connect one end of the vacuum
hose to the AICU and route the hose
through the firewall and TEE into the
vacuum/boost hose going to the bypass
Recheck all of the wire connections. We
recommend that you solder all wire con-
nections. If you do not have access to a
soldering gun you can use the connec-
tors that are provided.