Paxton Superchargers Dodge V-10 Truck User Manual
Page 15

P/N: 4800019
©2003 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
25SEP03 v2.0 Dodge V-10(4800019v2.0)
Fig 3-h
Fig 3-g
Fig 3-f
Replace the stock crank pulley with the
supplied re-machined pulley. Pull the
pulley onto the crank shaft with the
stock large center bolt.
Remove the center bolt and place the
new center hub into the middle of the
crank pulley. Align the two dowel pins
and secure with the longer supplied cen-
ter bolt. Reuse the large washer from the
factory center bolt. Torque the bolt to
150ft-lbs. (See Fig. 3-g, Appendix ‘D’)
Use a 9/16" socket and install the crank
pulley on the adapter with the four 3/8"
bolts. (See Fig. 3-h.)