NEXCOM NViS 3620 User Manual

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Appendix F: OBDII Module Setup and Command

NViS3620/3720 series User Manual

#45 Engine Coolant Temperature(ECT) , -40 to 210 deg C


#46 Engine Turbocharger Boost Pressure(ETBP), 2 kPa/bit , 0~500 KPA

ETPB=data *2 (KPA)

#47 Engine Intake Manifold 1 Temperature(EIMT) , -40 to 210 deg C



Bit7,6 Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) Active



00 - ABS passive but installed

01 - ABS active

10 – Reserved

11 - Not available

Bit5~Bit0: Resvered.

#49 Brake Pedal Position (BPP), 0.4 %/bit, 0~100%

BPP=data*0.4 (%)

#50 Parking and/or Trailer Air Pressure(PTAP), 8 kPa/bit

PTAP=data *8 (KPA)

#51 Service Brake Air Pressure Circuit #1 (SBAPC1), 8 kPa/bit

SBAPC1=data*8 (KPA)

#52 Service Brake Air Pressure Circuit #2 (SBAPC2), 8 kPa/bit

SBAPC2=data*8 (KPA)


Parking Brake Switch

00 = Parking brake not set

01 = Parking brake set


Bit 1 ,Bit 0: Diagnostics supported

00 = diagnostics is not supported

01 = diagnostics is supported

10 = reserved

11 = don´t care

Bit 3 ,Bit 2: Requests supported

00 = request is not supported

01= request is supported

10 = reserved

11 = don´t care





Ambient Air Temperature: Temperature of air surrounding vehicle.
AAT=(AATH* 256+AATL)*0.03125 -273 deg C
#55: AATL
#56: AATH


Door Control 1:

Bit 7,Bit6: Status 2 of doors

00 = all bus doors disabled

01 = at least 1 bus door enabled

10 = error

11 = not available

Bit 5, Bit4: Ramp/Wheel chairlift

00 = inside bus

01 = outside bus

10 = Error

11 = not available

Bit 3,2,1,0 : Position of doors

0000 = at least 1 door is open

0001 = closing last door

0010 = all doors closed

1110 = Error

1111 = not available




Door Control 2, #58~#65
Lock Status:
locked→doors cannot be operated by the driver or a passenger
unlocked→door may be operated by the driver or a passenger
Open Status:
closed→door is completely closed
open→door is not completely closed
Enable Status:
disabled→door cannot be opened by a passenger
enabled→door can be opened by a passenger

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