Level magic, Introduction & reference guide – Junger Audio d07 - Digital Transmission Processor User Manual
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Introduction & Reference guide
d06 d07 b46 C8007 C8046
Jünger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 7
D -12489 Berlin
phone: +49 (030) 677721- 0
fax: +49 (030) 677721- 46
email: [email protected]
Block Diagram
Level Magic™ is consisting of adaptive AGC + Transient Processor + Brickwall limiter.
Independent on the leveller circuits the brickwall limiter is taking care on the peak level.
For the leveller (AGC + Transient Processor) Junger Audio is using a unique combination of
QP and RMS level detectors to analyze the incoming audio signal. In comparing QP and RMS
measurement results we can find out how much transients are coming in. Dependent on that
the necessary resulting gain is controlled in relation between transient processor (fast
process) and AGC (slow process).
The characteristic of the Level Magic™ level control is mostly determined by the settings of the
Transient Processor. Transient processor is doing fast gain change and the AGC is doing slow
gain change (depending on settings). Always the AGC should be set in a way that the gain
change is mostly inaudible (1dB per 5 seconds or slower). The Transient Processor should be
set that incoming level jumps are reduced but originally dynamic range is not changed too
much. As more possible gain by the Transient processor as more reduction of the dynamic
range is coming with.
Working with AGC
In this picture a conventional AGC is used to
adjust the output level. As we know the AGC
must work slow to perform a mostly inaudible
gain change. In result control on the output level
is not giving a proper correction of the input level
Level Magic™
Level Magic™ is a unique combination of a
transient processor and an adaptive AGC
process. The transient processor can fill the lack
of fast level control left by the slow acting AGC.
The total gain of Level Magic™ is the addition of
the gain by the transient processor and the gain
of the AGC.