C8491, C8000, Digital audio modular processing system – Junger Audio C8491 - Compact Card User Manual

Page 13

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digital audio
processing system


3G/HD/SD-SDI – DSP 4/8/16 audio channels




DSP 1B – 4 x 2 mode

The C8491 offers the feature to use pairs of channels in a fail over mode. I.e. if the audio signal fails in
the first audio pair, the processor may switch over to the adjacent (e.g. 1/2 >> 3/4) pair automatically.
The functions of the circuits Failover A – Failover B are similar.
The switch over will be performed by a cross fade.

Failover A


[Primary / Secondary / AUTO]
selection between both inputs and the auto mode.

Dual Mono

[off / auto]

if the fail over input is fed by a dual mono signal, the circuit may
automatically copy the opposite one if one fails

Fail Threshold

[-60 … -40 dBFS]
trigger threshold for the fail detector

Fail Wait

[1.5 … 10.0 sec.]
time from detection of an audio loss to the moment of switch over

Fail Return

[0.0 … 10.0 sec.]
time from the detection of an audio return to the moment of switch

Side Chain Filter

[on / off]

a high pass filter (300 Hz) and a low pass filter (3000 Hz) is applied to
the detector side chain (not the audio path) to prevent hum and noise
from blocking fail over switching.