C8082, C8000 – Junger Audio C8082 - Switch Over / Ducker User Manual
Page 19

digital audio
processing system
switch over & ducking
Jünger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 7
D -12489 Berlin
phone: +49-30-677721-0
[email protected]
On the GPI/O page you can assign GPIs numbers to activate Presets or turn special operating modes
on and off and you can assign GPOs numbers to reflect the operating status of the C8082 via parallel
GPO interface :
If the C8082 reads one of the GPI numbers on the CAN bus (you have assigned above), it will load
the respective Preset or turn the respective processing mode on.
If a GPO is asssigned, the C8082 will generate this number on the CAN bus for the C8817 parallel
GPI/O module or the brc8x broadcast remote controller.
Important Note! It is not possible that a module may issue a GPO that will be interpreted by another
module of the same frame as a GPI. If you need dependent actions triggered by modules of the same
frame you must use the GPI/O conversion feature of the C8817 module.