C8082, C8000, Digital audio modular processing system – Junger Audio C8082 - Switch Over / Ducker User Manual
Page 10: Switch over & ducking

digital audio
processing system
switch over & ducking
Jünger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 7
D -12489 Berlin
phone: +49-30-677721-0
[email protected]
PARAMETERS for 2x Stereo Ducking mode
On the PARAMETER page you can set the parameters for the two stereo processing channels
independently. You will find a list of the parameters with a short description on page 15.
The content of the PARAMETERS page depends on the Operating mode of the C8082.
The ducking processor will be bypassed when the check box is active.
The main channel gain setting to align the module to the level diagram of the
signal path.
Ducking Gain
The relative gain represents the amount of level reduction of the Main Stereo
channel if Ducking is active.
In Fade Time
The time the Main Stereo Channel needs to reduce its relative gain from 0dB
to the value of Ducking Gain.
Hold Time
The time the module stays in ducking mode after ducking source is below
Ducking Threshold again.