C8082, C8000 – Junger Audio C8082 - Switch Over / Ducker User Manual

Page 15

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digital audio
processing system


switch over & ducking


Jünger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 7
D -12489 Berlin

phone: +49-30-677721-0


[email protected]



The SETUP page defines the basic operating mode for the C8082 and tells the module the signal
format of the auxiliary channels for Ducking or Switch Over (Fail Over). The descriptions in Italic below
are for future enhancements of the C8082.

5.1 Fail Over

If you feed the C8082 with a Main 5.1 you may exchange that signal by a
2channel signal if the 5.1 input gets lost. The module will permanently
monitor the 5.1 main channels in pre defined combinations to decide if the
input gets lost. In this case it may automatically switch over to the stereo
auxiliary input called Fail Over Source. Depending on the channel mode of
the Fail Over Source (LL, RR or stereo) it will be switched into the L and R
5.1 channels while the other 5.1 channel will be muted. See PARAMETERS
page: Switching Mode for details.