C8082, C8000, Digital audio modular processing system – Junger Audio C8082 - Switch Over / Ducker User Manual
Page 13: Switch over & ducking

digital audio
processing system
switch over & ducking
Jünger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 7
D -12489 Berlin
phone: +49-30-677721-0
[email protected]
PARAMETERS for 5.1 Fail Over mode
The Main 5.1 channel has a gain setting to align the module to the level
diagram of the signal path.
Fail detection Ch
You can select which of the surround channels L, R, L&R or L&R&C will be
observed by the level detector to decide if the 5.1 input has failed.
Fail Threshold
The selected input will be RMS weighted. The level which determines an
input failure must be set here.
Fail Wait
You can set up a wait delay before the switch over to the AUX channel takes
Fail Return
You can set up a Return delay before the switch over back to Main Channel
takes place if weighted input level is back above Threshold.
Crossfade Time
This parameter defines the speed of the switch over in both directions.