Fl - feed to length, Fm - feed to sensor with mask distance, Fo - feed to length and set output – Applied Motion 1240i User Manual

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SCL Software Manual


920-0010 rev B

You send



move direction will be cw


speed will be 5 rev/sec until first sensor is reached


speed will be 0.2 rev/sec after first sensor is reached


move until falling edge on input 2, then decel to VC.
Decel to stop when input 4 goes high.


1st Sensor

2nd Sensor



FD Command: Speed vs Time

FL – Feed to Length

Executes Feed to Length (relative move) command. Move distance and direction come from the last
DI command. Speed, accel and decel are from VE, AC and DE commands.

FM – Feed to Sensor with Mask Distance

Executes Feed to Sensor command, but sensor is ignored for the first DC steps of the move. Useful
for “debouncing” a switch or clearing a part before sensing the next one.
Example: You’re feeding parts on a conveyor. A sensor detects the leading edge of the part and stops.
But if the part has a hole in it, which many objects do, then when you attempt to feed the next part into
position you may in fact stop after feeding the previous part only a short distance. The solution is the
use FM instead of FS and to set the DC for the size of the part.

Example: The parts are 6 inches long. Your mechanical linkage provides 20000 steps/inch. You want
the part to stop moving 1 inch past the sensor. 5 inches of the part will not have gone past the sensor

You send



stop 20000 steps (1 inch) past sensor


ignore sensor for next 5.1 inches, allowing old part to completely clear sensor


launch move. Sensor is connected to input 1 and goes low when it sees a part

FO – Feed to Length and Set Output

Same as Feed to Length (FL) but changes the state of an output during the move.

Example: You’re feeding parts to be cut to length. For maximum throughput, you want to trigger the cut
off knife as the part is nearing the final position.

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