Registration card – D-Link DSL-500 User Manual
Page 73

Registration Card
Print, type or use block letters.
Your name: Mr./Ms__________________________________________________________________________
Organization: ____________________________________________Dept.______________________________
Your title at organization:_____________________________________________________________________
Telephone:_________________________________________ Fax:___________________________________
Organization's full address:___________________________________________________________________
Date of purchase (Month/Day/Year):_______________________________________
Product Serial No.
* Product installed in type of
computer (e.g., Compaq 486)
* Product installed in computer serial No.
(* Applies to adapters only)
Product was purchased from:
Reseller's name:____________________________________________________________________________
Telephone:_________________________________________ Fax:___________________________________
Reseller's full address:_______________________________________________________________________
Answers to the following questions help us to support your product:
1. Where and how will the product primarily be used?
Home Office Travel Company Business Home Business Personal Use
2. How many employees work at installation site?
1 employee 2-9 10-49 50-99 100-499 500-999 1000 or more
3. What network protocol(s) does your organization use ?
XNS/IPX TCP/IP DECnet Others_______________________________________________________
4. What network operating system(s) does your organization use ?
D-Link LANsmart Novell NetWare NetWare Lite SCO Unix/Xenix PC NFS 3Com 3+Open
Banyan Vines DECnet Pathwork Windows NT Windows NTAS Windows '95
5. What network management program does your organization use ?
D-View HP OpenView/Windows HP OpenView/Unix SunNet Manager Novell NMS
NetView 6000 Others___________________________________________________________________
6. What network medium/media does your organization use ?
Fiber-optics Thick coax Ethernet Thin coax Ethernet 10BASE-T UTP/STP
100BASE-TX 100BASE-T4 100VGAnyLAN Others_________________________________________
7. What applications are used on your network?
Desktop publishing Spreadsheet Word processing CAD/CAM
Database management Accounting Others_________________________________________________
8. What category best describes your company?
Aerospace Engineering Education Finance Hospital Legal Insurance/Real Estate Manufacturing
Retail/Chainstore/Wholesale Government Transportation/Utilities/Communication VAR
System house/company Other____________________________________________________________
9. Would you recommend your D-Link product to a friend?
Yes No Don't know yet
10.Your comments on this product? _________________________________________________