Editing a session – Turning Technologies TurningKey User Manual
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TurningKey User Guide
Session Management
Select a session file.
Click Open.
The session is now ready to receive additional tests not collected during the original test.
After receiving additional tests, save the session.
Editing a Session
The TurningKey Session Editor allows you to change point values, change or remove a correct answer, add
or remove standards and change participant list information.
Before You Begin
The session you wish to edit must be open in TurningKey. If you have saved the session and wish to edit it
at a later time, you must first continue the session.
How to edit a session...
From the menu bar, click Window and select Session Editor.
If there is more than one version of the answer key associated with the session, select the version to be
edited from the version drop-down menu.
To change a correct answer, replace the current correct answer with a new correct answer.
To change the correct or incorrect point values, replace the current value with the new value.
Click Edit Test Info to change the test name or description.
Click Edit Standards to assign standards to test questions. For more information on Standards see
Standards on page 14.
Click Participants from the Session Editor toolbar to edit participant information. For more information
on participant lists, see Participant Lists.
Device ID information can not be edited.