Editing a participant list, Printing a participant list – Turning Technologies TurningKey User Manual

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TurningKey User Guide


Editing a Participant List

Editing a Participant List

A participant list may be edited.

How to edit a participant list...


Click Participant List on the TurningKey menu bar and select Edit Participant List....


Select the Participant List and click Open.


There are several editing options available all of which can be accessed from the Participant Menu
button in the bottom left corner of the window:

Add a Field - Click the Action button and select Add Field. Select a Field from the drop-down list or
type the name of the new field in the box provided and click Add.

Rename a Field - Select the field and click the Action button, select Rename Field, enter the new
name in the box provided, then click OK.

Remove a Field - Select the field you want to remove. The entire column is now highlighted. Click
the Action button and select Remove Field.

Add a Participant - Select a row by clicking on the row number in the gray area to the far left. Click
the Action button and select Add Participant. A blank row is added to the list below the select row.
Enter the new participant information by typing in the blank boxes.

Remove a Participant(s) - Select a participant by clicking on the row number in the gray area. You
may select more than one participant by holding shift or control when you select participants. Click
the Action button and select Remove Participant(s).


Click Done.


Click Save or Save and Use in Session to save changes to the participant list.

Printing a Participant List

A participant list may be printed f a hard copy of the list is desired.

How to print a participant list...


Click Participant List on the TurningKey menu bar and select Edit Participant List....


Select the participant list and click Open.