Turning Technologies ExamView User Manual
Page 6

by TurningTechnologies.com
Figure 1. Bimodal Question
The Toggle Bimodal button in the
toolbar toggles between Multiple
Choice and Short Answer.
The red dot next to a question
indicates that the question is Bimodal.
Each Learning Series question includes comprehensive question support information:
Difficulty field contains the Bloom’s Taxonomy level and the Webb’s Depth-of-
Knowledge level to which the question is written.
Reference field contains the context in which the question is presented, such as The
Arts, Social Studies, Science, Health/Physical Education, Literature, Mathematics or
Language Arts.
Social Studies questions do not include Reference information.
State Standard and Learning Objective fields (for standards’-aligned products) display
the state standard ID, the national Common Core State Standards ID or the Next
Generation Science Standards ID number and corresponding standard text to which
the question aligns.
For states to which the Learning Series is not aligned, the State Standard field
is empty. The Learning Objective field is populated with an objective to which
the question aligns.