Rocktron Utopia B300 User Manual

Page 71

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Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Turn the PARAMETER ADJUST knob to select ON for the RUN STAT parameter.

Turn the PARAMETER SELECT knob one step clockwise to the IPED/VOL param-


The PEDAL VOLUME parameter displays the current preset volume as determined

by the pedal position. Move the expression pedal up and down and you will see the

volume values change as the pedal moves.

8. Pedal Status......continued.............

p e d a l s t a t u s

r u n s t a t o n

p e d a l s t a t u s

i p e d / v o l 1 2 7

The IPED/VOL will only change in real time if the Internal pedal has been assigned

to the IPED/VOL parameter. Otherwise to check pedal operation please view the pa-

rameter that it is assigned to. I.E.: If assigned to Chorus Rate got to the Chorus Func-

tion and look at the RATE parameter and move the pedal. You should see the value


There is also a XPED status which only shows you the current STATUS of the port. It

may be used to confirm the operation of that port.

p e d a l s t a t u s

X p e d s t a t u s