PRW 01 PRW Dual Gear Drives User Manual

Page 2

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Step 9
With the lock plate in place on the cam gear, torque the cam bolts with washers to factory specs.

Step 10
Bend the tabs of the lock plates over the heads of the bolts.

Step 11
Slide the idler gear into place with the larger gear on the left and the long part of the idler axle facing the block. The
smaller gear should have free vertical movement of 0.005”- 0.075” when the idler gears are with both the cam and crank
gears. Turn the crank two full revolutions to insure the clearance. Abnormal wear or damage will occur if the smaller gear
does not have enough running clearance.

Step 12
During operation the idler axles are always in contact with the front timing cover. All clearance should be between the
block and the idler axle. To check for clearance install the idler gear about half way. Then install the cover with the gasket
and push the cover into place. Hand-tighten the cover bolts then remove the cover. This will show you where the idle gear
will sit. If the clearance is not sufficient, 0.005” minimum, grind off from the axle if necessary.

Step 13
Install the cam thrust bearing in the cam gear (solid side facing out).

Step 14
Check for clearance between the cam thrust and the front timing cover. There should be between 0.005-0.010” of
clearance. An easy way to check the clearance is by putting clay on the end of the cam thrust bearing. Install the cover
with the gasket on and hand-tighten. Then remove the cover and check the putty. If clearance is needed grind the required
endplay off of the cam thrust bearing.

Step 15
After all clearances are met install the timing cover with a sealant along the gasket. Torque the timing cover bolts to OEM

Note: PRW gear drives are manufactured to fit under stock steel or chrome replacement timing covers. If an aftermarket
aluminum cover is being used some modification may be needed in the cover for the bearing-to-cover clearance. Failure
to get the proper clearance could result in a cracked timing cover or timing malfunction.

p:\product\installation guides\new revisions 05-11-10\Installation instructions - PRW Dual Gear Drives v1-1.doc

PRW Industries, Inc.

1722 Illinois Avenue

Perris, California 92571

Tele: (951) 436-7900 FAX: (951) 928-8555

Tech: (888) 377-9779